Friday, February 3, 2012

2012 WECA Basketball League Opening Ceremonies

This year's WECA Basketball League will start on Sunday, February 5, 2012.  Assembly time is 2:30pm and the short program will start at 2:45pm.  The Honorary Consul Esmeralda Agbulos is coming to grace the occasion.  All teams are required during the opening ceremonies for the teams presentation and the teams to play for the1st 2 games on Sunday will be picked through draw lots.  1st game will take place at 3:30pm and the 2nd game at 4:30pm.  May the spirit of sportsmanship, discipline and cooperation will continue to bind us as a community for the success of the 3rd WECA Basketball League.
“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.”

Babe Ruth quotes (American Baseball Player, one of the first five players elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame and the first to hit over 50 home runs in one season. 1895-1948)


  1. hey I was in the league last year, and it started in April was not aware of the start time this year. Any chance another team could be added, or that me and my 2 other friends could be added to one of the teams?

    1. i guess we're too late.what about we build a new team for next season..who's in??just reply

  2. Where is the picture of the league
