Saturday, July 30, 2011

Picnic at the Park - 2011

This year's summer picnic was attended by closed to hundred mostly from the church family, relatives, friends and guests.  The master of ceremonies of the program this year was John Rafio.  The message about Freedom by Paul Armfield reminded us, first of all the freedom of the Filipino people from the Spanish invaders after almost 400 years and the liberation by the Americans.  Much more on the spiritual freedom that we received through the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course thanks to everyone who brought their favourite dish and lunch was really good with the Filipino delicacy "lechon" (roasted pig).  Games which was spearheaded by Jeane Absalon followed the lunch.  Kids and adults alike enjoyed the games including popping the balloon, sack race, tug of war and many more.  Musical and song presentations by Abraham, Victoria and AC were part of the program.  It was an enjoyable and successful event.  We thank the Lord for blessings us with a nice weather. Thank you to all members of the organizing committee and to all the volunteers.

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