Saturday, October 19, 2019

Men's Breakfast - October 19, 2019

The monthly men's breakfast was held at WECA conference room and today was a big turn out consisting of men from WECA Edmonton, and Engage Spruce Grove and Stony Plain.

Pastor Brett Esslinger shared his very first message to the monthly gathering, a message of encouragement for men to fan into flame as referenced in 2 Timothy 1. As an analogy, he compared a damped log to men who are facing challenges in life. When a damped log is placed beside a log on fire, it will ignite and burn.  The same through in the spirit, that as men come closer to those high in spirit, they will as well be lifted up spiritually.
Pastor Brett Esslinger sharing the message.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Thanksgiving Long Weekend

There will be no basketball this Sunday due to the long weekend.  Happy Thanksgiving to all! Enjoy the family and the roasted turkey.