Sunday, December 31, 2017

Watchnight Service - New Year's

Sun, Dec 31, 2017 10:00p - 11:45p
Multicultural Ministries
Join us for a special New Year's night for the whole family. Bring in the New Year with worship and prayer unto our Lord.  Start the new year off right with a resolution that Jesus will always be your "first love!"

Saturday, December 30, 2017

2018 WECA Basketball League

Team entry registration is now open for the 2018 WECA Basketball League.  Few teams have registered and it is still open for new teams.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

What Some Famous People Say About the Bible. . . .

It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the bible.  George Washington, U.S. President

In regard to this Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man.  All the good the Saviour gave to the world was communicated through this book.  But for it, we could not know right from wrong.  George Washington, U.S. President

I have a fundamental belief in the bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired.  I study the Bible daily.  Sir Isaac Newton, Physicist, mathematician, natural philosopher, astronomer, alchemist

The Bible, and it alone, with nothing added to it nor taken away from it by man, is the sole and sufficient guide for each individual, at all times and in all circumstances.  Michael Faraday, English chemist and physicist

The New Testament is the best Book the world has ever known or will know.  Charles Dickens, Author

The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men.  It has God for its Author, Salvation for its end, and the Truth without any mixture for its matter.  It is all pure, all sincere; nothing too much; nothing wanting.  John Locke, English philosopher and physician

Monday, December 11, 2017

Life Groups Will Resume January 7th, 2018

The following life groups will resume on Sunday, January 7th, 2018:
1. Seasalt
2. C.O.F.F.E.E. Lovers
3. Sunday Basketball

Saturday, December 9, 2017

2017 Pasko sa WECA Photos

Table Setup

Yummy Lechon (Masarap!): Nothing left except the head, the tail and the bones. Photo by Cam Treolar

It's been another night of Christmas celebration as Pinoys at WECA hosted the annual event. This year's emcee was Rey Rosales. (Rey who was then the coordinator for his province of Leyte during the Typhoon Haiyan project of WECA community was so grateful of the donations that poured in during the relief goods campaign.) Table setup and décor were done in the morning led by Fred who is so talented in decorating.  The décor was simple yet it was beautifully and harmoniously created with the combination of  white table cloth and pearly bluish Christmas gift box centre piece and a red cloth lining across was added for contrast. The dinner was great with different Filipino foods and some other countries' menu. Foods include lechon, caldereta, fish fillet, laing, pancit, spaghetti, lumpia, pad Thai, pinakbet, sweet and sour, and sisig.  During dinner time, sisters Loreen and Jenaleen played Filipino music, the Tagalog Ang Pipit and  Ilocano song Dungdungwen Kanto with their bandurrias. Christmas greetings in different regions of the Philippines and around the world were spoken such as Waray, Kapampangan, Ilocano, Pangasinan, Cebuano, Russian, Spanish, German, and Czech. Pastor Denise Kroeker shared a message about Christmas and the longing of each heart to be home on Christmas. She talked about the coming of Jesus as it was written in Isaiah 7: 14  Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. She asked anyone who would like to come to the Saviour and to have a personal relationship with Jesus through an invitation and prayer. Several door prizes were given to winners on trivia questions. Kiel, Joshua and Rhea sang their pieces with the delight of the listening audience.  Final songs were carols which was arranged by Mark and accompanied by guitarists Julius and Kiel.  To all, thank you so much for contributing your time, talent and treasure to make this occasion a success.  Maligayang Pasko sa inyong lahat.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

2017 Pasko sa WECA Signup

This Sunday, December 3rd will be the last day of signup at WECA.  Please let us know how many of you are attending and what menu you will bring.  Again, this annual celebration will be happening this Saturday, December 9th, 6:00pm at WECA Conference Room.  Please join us sing pamaskong awitin.